Put the work-piece on the moving platform by the designed fixture, the working platform and gluing nozzle move as programmed track to coat the work-piece accurately by compressed air." />


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TD-400 Desktop Three-axis Glue Dispensing Machine

Principle Description
Put the work-piece on the moving platform by the designed fixture, the working platform and gluing nozzle move as programmed track to coat the work-piece accurately by compressed air.

Principle Description

Put the work-piece on the moving platform by the designed fixture, the working platform and gluing nozzle move as programmed track to coat the work-piece accurately by compressed air.
Machine Features
♦Desktop design with hand programming controller, easy to learn and operate;
♦Gluing track can be set as points, line, surface, full circle, arc and combinations etc;
♦The instructions can be copied and arrayed;
♦Equipped industrial PLC controller, for different glue with different settings ensure the best performance.
♦Glue flow is stable without leakage and drawing.
Suitable Glue:
Silicone, thermal conductive silicone grease, UV glue, AB glue, red gum, tin cream, epoxy etc.
Various lights, auto parts, digital products, optics lens, mechanic parts, semiconductor encapsulation etc.
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